Norwegian Pakistanis play active role in a drive for donation for Rohingyas


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Report by Syed Sibtain Shah
Norwegian Pakistanis are playing an important role in a drive for collection of donations for Rohingya Muslims in Burma.
Currently some of the Norway based organisations specially NGOs of the people from Pakistan origin are involved in helping move specially collections of donations for Rohingyas.
The organisations which are actively working for the creating motivation for helping Rohingyas and collection of donations for them are included Human Rights Service Norway, Partners Norway, Islamic Relief Norway and Idra e Minhaj ul Quran Norway. Most of the workers of these organisations are Norwegian Muslims of Pakistani background.
In this connection, a seminar titled, “Rohingyas, the Children of Adam” was organized by Human Services Norway in collaboration of Gorud Church in Oslo. The event was attended by a number of the people from different walks of life.
Addressing the gathering, Chairman Human Services Norway Ghulam Sarwar and Priests of Church, Pastor Anne Berit L. Evang and Pastor Vibeke Bergsjø Aas called the international communities to help the Rohingyas.

The program which was started with recitation of Quran by Aqeel Qadir and Na’at of Prophet of Islam by Ch Sajjad Dad, was also witness of a personality from Shrine of Khawaja Moeen u Din Chishti of Ameer Sharif of India Pir Aziz ur Rehman Buraqi as a chief guest of the event which was also participated by President of Organisation Rohingyas of Norway Syed Hussain. Syed Hussain told the participants, the miserable story of the Rohingyas in Burma.
Member Oslo City parliament Dr Mubashar Banaras, former member of Norwegian parliament Athar Ali, President Pak-Norway Forum Chaudhary Ismail Sarwar, Ch Khalid Kasana, Ch Qasim Mohammad, member district council Grorud, Oslo, Advocate Salman and Sardar Garkaran Singh of Sikh community Norway were also among the speakers of the seminar. They called the world community including United Nations to protect the Rohingyas as saying the Rohingya Muslims are also human being and as well as descendants of Adam.
Beside the Human Services Norway, Islamic Relief Norway, Idara e Minhaj ul Quran Norway and Partners Norway are also actively working for collection of financial assistance from Norway to Rohingyas in Burma.
It is important to mention that this move has been launched soon after a huge gathering in favour of Rohingyas in front of Norwegian parliament last week. The demonstration was organised by Islamic Council Norway, the umbrella organisation of Muslims’ Mosques and Islamic centres in the country.

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